Kj to calories
Really simple kilojoules to calories conversion app specifically developed for Gym enthusiasts.
Kilojoules to calories
About KJ and calories Units
Both of these units, KJ and calories are famously used to measure the energy in a food product. Along with that, these units are also used by Gym enthusiasts after doing exercise for a few or several hours. Many countries in the world prefer to use Kilojoules to calculate the energy in a product while many other countries prefer to use calories to measure the energy. This conversion from kilojoules to calories often gets confusing for that reason, we have decided to develop an online tool that helps everyone to calculate kj to calories conversion for free.
How to use this Kj to calories converter?
Converting Kilojoules to calories is not a difficult task. You need to follow these instructions in order to convert KJ to calories in the least amount of time.
First of all, enter the kilojoules value inside of the textarea and once you enter the information, you need to select an option below. You need to select an option from Large Food calories, small thermochemical calories, and small 15 Degree calories. If you are not sure which one you want to select then select the 15 Degree calories.
Once you enter these two pieces of information, you need to go ahead and tap on the convert button. As soon as you tap on the convert button, there will be a final answer in calories. That is the final conversion of kilojoules to calories.