Square root and nth Root Calculator

Use this simple calculator to calculate the nth root and square root easily.

The value to calculate:

How to use this root calculator?

This root calculator is really simple to use. There are two important values that you need to insert in order to use this root calculator. The first value is nothing but the number for which you want to calculate the root.

Just like that, the second value is nothing but the nth root of your number. If you want to calculate the square root of any number then enter 2 inside this box. In case you want to calculate the cube root then enter 3 inside this cube root box. Once you are ready with the numbers, you should go ahead and tap on the answer button and this root calculate will return the answer quickly.

How to calculate root?

Before understanding the root value first of all you should understand the square value. Whenever you multiply a number twice then that is called the square. For example, if you want to calculate the square 4 then you should multiply 4 two times and the final answer will be 16.

Now, if you want to calculate the cube then you should multiply the number thrice. For example, if you want to calculate the cube of number 3 then you should multiply 3 three times and you will get 27 as a final answer.

Root Calculation Table